多伦多华人枪友俱乐部 网站服务条款
1. 用户必须年满18周岁,否则需在监护人认同下使用。
2. 用户必须保证严格遵守所在国和所在地区的法律,不得在本网站发布任何涉嫌违法的内容。
3. 用户不得借本站滥发广告,不许进行人身攻击或者发表不文明,有违公共道德的言论。
4. 本站管理员和版主保留关贴,删贴,封禁用户的权利。
5. 本站的管理员和版主都是志愿为本站服务,除非特别说明,发表的个人意见不代表本站及多伦多枪友会。
6. 本站的用户发表的文章,只代表作者个人意见。用户根据这些意见进行各种包括但不限于枪械使用,弹药复装,枪械维修改装,狩猎等活动带来的后果,本站及多伦多枪友会不承担任何责任。
7. 用户明确同意其使用本站网络服务所存在的风险将完全由其自己承担;因其使用本站网络服务而产生的一切后果也由其自己承担,本站对用户不承担任何责任。
8. 用户在本网站上发表文章,即为授权同意在本网站上公开文章内容,并同意不进行版权追诉。
The following is the Toronto Chinese Gun Club (TCGC) web site and membership privacy policy pertaining to any personal data that may be gathered by the club and this web site. This policy will be amended from time to time as the club and web site evolves.
The TCGC will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone.
The TCGC will send personally identifiable information about you to other people or organizations when:
1. We have your consent to share the information (such as a request to publish competition information, or an append, direct or by email, to the for-sale items list on the site),
2. We need to share your information to provide the information or service you have requested (such as a request to be informed of match schedule updates or the like);
3. We respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process; or
4. We find that your actions on our web site or our Wechat groups violates our ISP’s terms of service or, disrupts or prevents others from accessing the site
5. You post information to the site or our Wechat groups that clearly violates, or encourages others to violate, Canadian (or other) firearms laws
If there is any personally identifiable information pertaining to you on the site that you would like removed (for-sale or the like) please contact us and it will be removed.
Should you have comments or concerns about the site and the club privacy policy please contact us.
1. 用户必须年满18周岁,否则需在监护人认同下使用。
2. 用户必须保证严格遵守所在国和所在地区的法律,不得在本网站发布任何涉嫌违法的内容。
3. 用户不得借本站滥发广告,不许进行人身攻击或者发表不文明,有违公共道德的言论。
4. 本站管理员和版主保留关贴,删贴,封禁用户的权利。
5. 本站的管理员和版主都是志愿为本站服务,除非特别说明,发表的个人意见不代表本站及多伦多枪友会。
6. 本站的用户发表的文章,只代表作者个人意见。用户根据这些意见进行各种包括但不限于枪械使用,弹药复装,枪械维修改装,狩猎等活动带来的后果,本站及多伦多枪友会不承担任何责任。
7. 用户明确同意其使用本站网络服务所存在的风险将完全由其自己承担;因其使用本站网络服务而产生的一切后果也由其自己承担,本站对用户不承担任何责任。
8. 用户在本网站上发表文章,即为授权同意在本网站上公开文章内容,并同意不进行版权追诉。
The following is the Toronto Chinese Gun Club (TCGC) web site and membership privacy policy pertaining to any personal data that may be gathered by the club and this web site. This policy will be amended from time to time as the club and web site evolves.
The TCGC will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone.
The TCGC will send personally identifiable information about you to other people or organizations when:
1. We have your consent to share the information (such as a request to publish competition information, or an append, direct or by email, to the for-sale items list on the site),
2. We need to share your information to provide the information or service you have requested (such as a request to be informed of match schedule updates or the like);
3. We respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process; or
4. We find that your actions on our web site or our Wechat groups violates our ISP’s terms of service or, disrupts or prevents others from accessing the site
5. You post information to the site or our Wechat groups that clearly violates, or encourages others to violate, Canadian (or other) firearms laws
If there is any personally identifiable information pertaining to you on the site that you would like removed (for-sale or the like) please contact us and it will be removed.
Should you have comments or concerns about the site and the club privacy policy please contact us.